01: Intro to ICS45C
UC Irvine - Fall ‘22 - ICS 45C

Quick list of things I want to talk about:
- Syllabus
- In-person
- Grading
- Canvas
- Gradescope
- Late policy
- Quizzes
- Edstem
- Labs tbd
- Schedule
- Quiz and homework after projects
Expanded notes:
Welcome to ICS45C! We’ll go over some of the basics of C++ this quarter, and you should be able to continue working on projects after that :)C++ has a few advantages over Python, which I’m assuming you’re familiar with given the 30-series: e.g., it’s faster, you can have better memory management, and it gives you easier access to low-level APIs. It also has disadvantages though, mainly it’s harder to learn and understand. But I think it’s a pretty fun language to learn!
I’ll upload lecture notes as we advance through the quarter; you can find them here: https://caiobatista.com/courses/uci/f22/ics45c/notes/
Please see the main course page at https://caiobatista.com/courses/uci/f22/ics45c. I think I explained all course planning there, but please reach out if you have questions.
Lab schedule will be updated once I know how our staff situation is (tutors and TAs).
I just want to expand on the assignment schedule. The idea is that we’ll cover the topics you need for projects in lecture, then once we’re done with the topics for a certain project, you’ll have 2 weeks to work on the project and actually use everything you learned. Then, after you’ve worked with it for a little bit, we’ll have the quiz which should cover the same topics that you just spent 2 weeks using. Then we’ll start the next project! The only caveat here is that we’ll be covering topics for project x+1 while you work on project x. But everything should go smoothly as topics build upon each other; so we’ll constantly be adding things to our toolbox while practicing things past topics.
Homework is assigned for you to read through the book as we approach the quizzes, just so you feel more comfortable answering questions about the topics we covered.
Please skim through relevant book chapters and these notes before lectures so we can make them interactive :)
- Comic reference: https://www.pinterest.com/pin/98375573094974262/